A Tragic Wreck

A Tragic Wreck by T.K. Leigh Cover Reveal
Post Date: Dec. 19th
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Book Title: A Tragic Wreck
Author: T.K. Leigh
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: February 4, 2013
How can you continue living when you’re living a lie? How can you convince your body to stop feeling, your soul to stop caring, and your heart to stop beating?

Haunted by her past, Olivia Adler flees Boston for a beach in Florida, leaving everyone behind, trying to shut the world out. Remaining a relative recluse in her self-imposed prison, she tries to turn everything off, wanting to feel nothing. But a new acquaintance won’t let that happen. After being away from Alexander for a month, his voice constantly ringing in her head, reminding her that her inability to confront her demons will not only destroy her, but also him, can she really be expected to want to feel again when it brings nothing but pain?

Back in Boston, everywhere he turns, Alexander Burnham is reminded of Olivia… His Olivia… He tries to dull the ache left in his heart the only way he knows how… in the bed of a beautiful woman. But Alexander isn’t about to lose his Olivia. After a clue comes to light regarding Olivia’s whereabouts, can he convince her to return to Boston with him? When a force that has laid dormant for months resurfaces, can Alexander still protect her from the unknown danger? And when Alexander comes face to face with a shadow of both his and Olivia’s past, will he be able to tell her the secret that is threatening to tear them apart?

A Tragic Wreck is the continuation of T.K. Leigh’s heart-breaking Beautiful Mess series.
“Well, then, what do you want from me, Olivia?” he asked loudly, watching her walk away.

She spun around abruptly and searched his eyes. “I don’t want you to always feel like you have to come and help me, Alex,” she whimpered, her throat beginning to close up again, thinking about the man who was no longer hers. “I just want you to stand by my side while I try to help myself.” Her eyes narrowed, staring at him as he remained silent on the busy Boston street. “Do you think you can do that?” She looked at him as snow continued to blanket the sidewalk, desperately wanting him to say that yes, he could do that. That he would stand by her side. That he would forget all about her running out on him. And that he would do anything he could to make sure she never did the same thing again.

But instead, Alexander just stood there and stared, not saying anything.

Several moments passed, the silence deafening. “That’s what I thought.” Her eyes fell as she turned and continued to walk, shivering from the snow and the last shattered pieces of her heart being stomped on.

Alexander tried to open his mouth to say something. Anything. Tell her to wait. Stop. He made a mistake. But nothing came out. He knew he had just let the only woman he would ever truly love walk out of his life. And he did nothing. He watched his entire world fall apart and he didn't do anything to stop it. All of a sudden, he felt more lonely than he had ever felt in all his thirty years.
T. K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is a producer / attorney by trade. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre.

When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

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<p style="text-align: center;"><strong> Book Title:</strong> A Tragic Wreck
<strong>Author:</strong> T.K. Leigh
<strong>Genre:</strong> Romantic Suspense
<strong>Release Date:</strong> February 4, 2013
<strong>Hosted by:</strong> <a href="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com" target="_blank">Book Enthusiast Promotions</a></p>
<a href="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Synopsis.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1459" alt="Synopsis" src="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Synopsis-1024x265.jpg" width="490" height="126" /></a>

How can you continue living when you’re living a lie? How can you convince your body to stop feeling, your soul to stop caring, and your heart to stop beating?

Haunted by her past, Olivia Adler flees Boston for a beach in Florida, leaving everyone behind, trying to shut the world out. Remaining a relative recluse in her self-imposed prison, she tries to turn everything off, wanting to feel nothing. But a new acquaintance won’t let that happen. After being away from Alexander for a month, his voice constantly ringing in her head, reminding her that her inability to confront her demons will not only destroy her, but also him, can she really be expected to want to feel again when it brings nothing but pain?

Back in Boston, everywhere he turns, Alexander Burnham is reminded of Olivia… His Olivia… He tries to dull the ache left in his heart the only way he knows how… in the bed of a beautiful woman. But Alexander isn’t about to lose his Olivia. After a clue comes to light regarding Olivia’s whereabouts, can he convince her to return to Boston with him? When a force that has laid dormant for months resurfaces, can Alexander still protect her from the unknown danger? And when Alexander comes face to face with a shadow of both his and Olivia’s past, will he be able to tell her the secret that is threatening to tear them apart?

<i>A Tragic Wreck</i> is the continuation of T.K. Leigh’s heart-breaking <i>Beautiful Mess</i> series.

<a href="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Excerpt.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1449" alt="Excerpt" src="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Excerpt-1024x265.jpg" width="490" height="126" /></a>

“Well, then, what do you want from me, Olivia?” he asked loudly, watching her walk away.

She spun around abruptly and searched his eyes. “I don’t want you to always feel like you have to come and help me, Alex,” she whimpered, her throat beginning to close up again, thinking about the man who was no longer hers. “I just want you to stand by my side while I try to help myself.” Her eyes narrowed, staring at him as he remained silent on the busy Boston street. “Do you think you can do that?” She looked at him as snow continued to blanket the sidewalk, desperately wanting him to say that yes, he could do that. That he would stand by her side. That he would forget all about her running out on him. And that he would do anything he could to make sure she never did the same thing again.

But instead, Alexander just stood there and stared, not saying anything.

Several moments passed, the silence deafening. “That’s what I thought.” Her eyes fell as she turned and continued to walk, shivering from the snow and the last shattered pieces of her heart being stomped on.

Alexander tried to open his mouth to say something. Anything. Tell her to wait. Stop. He made a mistake. But nothing came out. He knew he had just let the only woman he would ever truly love walk out of his life. And he did nothing. He watched his entire world fall apart and he didn't do anything to stop it. All of a sudden, he felt more lonely than he had ever felt in all his thirty years.
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/lonely-flatten.jpeg"><img class=" wp-image-5287 aligncenter" alt="lonely-flatten" src="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/lonely-flatten.jpeg" width="360" height="360" /></a></p>
<a style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px;" href="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Meet-the-Author.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1452" alt="Meet the Author" src="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Meet-the-Author-1024x265.jpg" width="490" height="126" /></a>

<a href="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/headshot-bw-small.jpeg"><img class=" wp-image-5286 alignleft" alt="headshot-bw-small" src="http://bookenthusiastpromotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/headshot-bw-small.jpeg" width="144" height="216" /></a>T. K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is a producer / attorney by trade. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre.

When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon<b>.</b>

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