Den of Sin

Den of Sin Promotional Info

Leave your inhibitions at the door…and turn the page.

New Orleans’s Hotel Beaudelaire isn’t just a critically acclaimed 5-star establishment. For New Year’s Eve, it becomes a Den of Sin, and its owner extends invitations to a few discriminating guests to help make their sexual fantasies come true.

Starting December 6, indulge in a new erotica or erotic romance novella each Friday until December 27. Each has a different couple (or trio) and different kinks.

December 6: Forbidden Rendezvous by Mel Blue
Seraphina orchestrates fantasies, but this year she’ll create one of her own. It’s against the rules for an employee to participate in the weekend-long sex-capade but she’s willing to risk it for Luke. The man’s a mystery, but in a sea of CEOs and Fortune 500 billionaires, he stands out. His past and connection to her boss is clouded in intrigue, but she knows what he wants, and she plans to star in one of his voyeuristic fantasies.

December 13: Ménage à Troys by Holley Trent
At the Den of Sin anything goes, so instead of two newlyweds letting down their guards to finally consummate their marriage of convenience, three people desperate to be touched forge bonds. That’s all well and good for the weekend, but what will shake out of their tentative ménage à trois when it’s time to go home?

December 20: Wicked Surrender by Ambrielle Kirk
Kris is tired of spending her nights playing with hard plastic and silicone. She wants a real man for a night, and expects to find him at the Den of Sin. She doesn’t expect to meet one of the World’s Most Eligible Bachelors there, and this isn’t the first time she’s met him. Unfortunately, Travis Brenden doesn’t seem to remember her.

December 27: Redeeming the Amazon by L. V. Lewis
Karen hasn’t made love fully unclothed since her double mastectomy and the subsequent demise of her marriage. Her most significant relationship occurred right after her surgery when she connected with a former Marine, amputee classmate. Paul once left his heart in Baltimore with a beautiful former model, whose crumbling marriage was the only deterrent to his waning honor. A fantasy weekend at his uncle’s hotel may give him a second chance with his contemporary Amazon…if her fear of rejection doesn’t become a barrier to their reconnection.

To learn more about this shared world series and its authors, and to access purchasing information, please visit

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Buy Links for Forbidden Rendezvous: 

Indecision played over her features until she straightened her shoulders. “I'll read the file.” She smiled, and a mischievous glint filled her eyes. “Where do you want me to start?”
Taken off guard, he stammered. Her smile widened, because she'd called his bluff and he'd flustered. Him. He could back down, but the next time they did this she'd know just how far he'd go to get a rise out of her.
He couldn't waver, otherwise their time together would lose the frisson it usually had. So, Luke cleared his throat and waved her back to the table. Who would have thought she'd rather continue to call him by his last name than to read something explicit out loud?
Heat flushed his face and he wanted to open the balcony doors again, but if she wouldn't say his name, she sure as hell wouldn't take his jacket. He'd noted her nipples pressed hard against her white shirt, but she hadn't complained about the cold.
When she settled into the chair across from him, he took in the tremble in her fingers as she opened the folder. Fuck. He tended to be a jackass from time to time, but this might be too much.
“Seraphina, you don't—”
“I'll start with my hand.” She ran her fingertips over the papers. “I know there are toys I can choose from, but the most intimate way you can get to know me is with my hand. I love to feel the way my clit swells the more turned on I get.” She glared up at him. “Do you want me to stop?”
He could barely move, much less speak. Her voice felt like silk running across the head of his cock. “You can stop if this makes you uncomfortable.”
She licked her lips, breaking the eye contact. “The more turned on I get, the wetter I am. I'll run my middle finger over my pussy to spread the slick warmth of my arousal. You'll lick your lips and your blue eyes will narrow. My nipples will tighten. They'll blush dark pink and I'll have to play with them to ease the ache.”
His mouth went dry. “Sera—”
She swallowed, her cheeks flushed. “Will you touch yourself too? Or would you want me to take your cock into my mouth? The taste of your pre-come will make me moan, make me wetter, and I'll come for you and let you watch.”
He slammed his hand down on the table. “That's fucking enough.”
She closed the file, her hands steady now. “Are you sure that's enough, Mr. Moreland?” She sounded...aroused.
The doors were closed and the hotel suite was warm now, but her nipples pressed against her white blouse. He pushed air out. “Unless there's something you want to add.”
“If you can't handle this...” She waved her hand over the folder.
He narrowed his eyes. “Try me.”
Their gazes held for another moment. “Uh-I-I think you've made your final decision. I need to let Mr. Beaudelaire know and to contact Joss with the details.”
His muscles strained to reach across the table, drag her to his mouth, and then have her beneath him. He'd have her in every way his imagination could offer up. “I'll take Joss, but make no mistake, I'd rather have you, Ms. Gibson.”
She licked her lips again, her face flushed and gaze filled with a desire he could damn near feel brush against his skin. His jaw clenched.
“Good night, Mr. Moreland.” She picked up the files and he let her walk out.
Without trying to, she'd stripped him of his belief that he'd never want a woman who hid herself, a belief he held close. And she'd brought him to that edge, not with her own words, but with someone else's. Maybe it was best she’d told him no. He apparently needed her to. He damned her for it anyway.

Several times per year, New Orleans’s Hotel Beaudelaire invites a select few guests to make their sexual fantasies come true.

Eve and Brent Troy have been married three months and have yet to consummate their union. Faced with losing her claim to her family property, busy surgeon Eve had to marry before her thirtieth birthday. Brent was single and convenient, and more importantly, he said yes.

Now, she wants to light a flame under their cold marriage, but they’re strangers and don’t know how to connect. A New Year’s weekend at The Beaudelaire is supposed to give them the tools to connect. When they arrive, they learn the tool they’ve been equipped with comes in form of Eve’s best friend and fellow doctor Remy Kelly. He knows Eve’s marriage is a sham, and is intent on claiming her for himself. But, when faced with Eve’s strapping new husband who comes onto Remy’s radar as exactly the kind of alpha male he likes, he has a battle of conscience. He wants to take Eve home, not Brent, but for some reason they seem like a package deal.

At The Beaudelaire anything goes, so instead of two people letting down their guards, three forge bonds. That’s all well and good for the weekend, but what will shake out of their tentative ménage à trois when it’s time to go home?

Most come to The Beaudelaire Hotel a select few times a year just to indulge in sexual fantasy, but the stakes are higher for Karen Freeman and Paul Beaudelaire this New Year’s weekend. Karen is nine years post-op from a double mastectomy, and her vain ex-husband hadn’t agreed with her decision to remove her remaining good breast or to eschew reconstruction. In the end, that decision cost her. She lost her marriage, but she’s certain the move has prolonged her life.
Returning to a normal dating and sex life has been difficult. She hasn’t made love fully unclothed since the demise of her marriage, and her most significant relationship occurred right after her surgery. When she was still recuperating, she had an affair of the heart with a Marine amputee who’d also been her Ph.D. classmate.
Paul Beaudelaire once led a charmed life as a ladies’ man who had his pick of women in the upper echelons of New Orleans society. He’d been satisfied to continue in that vein, until a Marine recruiter wooed him from LSU with tales of valor, courage, and commitment. His career in the corps cut short by the loss of his left leg, Paul returned to New Orleans with the best prosthesis Johns Hopkins orthopedics experts could fit him with. However, he left his heart in Baltimore with a beautiful former model, whose crippled marriage was the only deterrent to his waning honor.
Will this fantasy weekend at his uncle Henri’s hotel give him a second chance with his contemporary Amazon, or will her fear of rejection be a barrier to their reconnection?

Wicked Surrender

To indulge in your most wicked desires….
After kicking her cheating ex-boyfriend to the curb, Kris Delacourt became celibate. Her grudge against the opposite sex has rendered her love life non-existent. The one thing that hasn’t been reduced is her sexual appetite. Kris is tired of spending her nights playing with hard plastic and silicone. She wants a real man. Spending a night at the Den of Sin sounds like the kick start she desperately needs. She doesn’t expect to meet one of the World’s Most Eligible Bachelors there. This isn’t the first time she’s met Travis Brenden, but it seems he doesn’t even remember her.

…would you surrender control?
Travis Brenden is a man who treasures being in control and he relinquishes it for no one. An invite to an exclusive event leads him to cross paths with a woman who seduces him with one innocent glance and erupts a torrid desire deep inside him. He dubs her the Temptress. Within the Den of Sin, he can indulge without the high expectations that come with his social status. Yet, something about this temptress jogs his memory to no end and while he’s with her his control begins to slip.


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