Everybody's Somebody

Rhianne Shepard is odd. Well, she thinks she is.
Actually, she's gifted, she's beautiful and she's extraordinary, but she's lonely. No friends, no family except her mother. Thinking she's destined to spend the rest of her life hidden in her solitary existence, she thinks that no one knows the REAL Rhianne even exists.
Jamie Travis does. Even though they've never spoken. Not once. He wants her to know that he cares, he knows she exists and he wants her to start living.
Circumstances throw them together, and Jamie thinks he finally has his chance to show Rhianne that she really is someone special. But he could never have guessed the battle he faces against the doubts in her mind, put there by a mentally ill mother, an estranged father and a gift that she might never understand.
Does he really have the ability to fight her inner demons, and win? Or is he fighting a losing battle?

Buy Links
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00ITENAEC/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?qid=1394095881&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00ITENAEC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1394095732&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165

“Babe, please sit back down and listen to me, carefully okay?” He seemed to wait for an actual response so I just nodded back at him, telling him that I was listening to him. Then I sat back down. “The two things are not related. Yes, completely, definitely, indisputably, I owe you. That’s not up for debate, so don’t argue about it. But me wanting to spend time with you, wanting to get to know you better, it has nothing to do with that. Fair enough, if you don’t want to spend time with me, then I’m not going to push you on it, even though I wouldn’t understand. But don’t turn this around on me; I want to be your friend. I just want to really know you.”
I stared into his beautiful eyes for a few beats, trying to find any signs of dishonesty. None. He looked entirely truthful. Relief, like nothing I’d ever felt surged through me and I had the sudden urge to hug him. Literally just throw myself into his arms and squeeze, with everything that I had.
So I did.
I launched myself across the seat and threw myself into his arms. He stiffened at first but then I felt his body relax and his arms came around and pulled me closer. My throat was thick with unshed tears but I raised my head, looked him straight in the eye and whispered, “Thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for babe. Everyone needs someone, sometimes.” 


He could have been singing nursery rhymes for all I knew. I wasn’t listening to word he said. I was too busy staring at the tent in the front of his pajama bottoms. Oh my gosh! Did I cause that?
I giggled. A lot. I smacked my hand over my mouth but tears were streaming from my eyes I was laughing that hard...
Hard! Haha! Get it?
Jamie frowned but he must have noticed what I was staring at because he blushed! Guys don’t blush, or not that I knew of. But he did. Then he tried to mask his reaction.


“Sweetheart, listen to me.” I already was... “You believe what you want to. If you think that I’m everything you just said then, not that I thought it was possible, but I love you more. I don’t agree though, I’m not your hero and I don’t take care of you. You take care of yourself just fine now, you just needed a push in the right direction. I’m not dragging you along with me anymore, but I’ll always be holding your hand, running along beside you. We’re equals and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re everything to me, you changed my life too, always for the better – no matter what shit we’ve been through in the process. If it meant I could have you turning to me, in our bed, every morning looking at me with your beautiful blue eyes and whispering ‘good morning’ babe I swear, I would go through it all again.”

Say Hello to the Author
Names Danielle Breeze, I’m only twenty-three but some days I feel forty!! I'm a single mum to two beautiful young children (makes finding the time to write challenging to say the least!!). Born and raised in Coventry, England – don’t think I’d ever really have the guts to leave here!! I’m a romantic at heart, love a happy ending and I’ve been known to make up my own endings in my head to other books if I didn’t agree with theirs haha!!
I listen to music CONSTANTLY!! Especially when I'm writing. I spend my days tidying up after my kids, making dinner, taking the kids to the park...nothing interesting!! But I like to spend time with my wonderful friends and family, going to concerts, on holidays, out for drinks :) all the usual things!!

I have always read books, magazines...the back of the shampoo bottle...ANYTHING I could, since I’ve been able to form words!! I wanted to write my own books even when I was just a little girl, scribbling little pieces down on scraps of paper, anything to get my ideas out!! I was as at university when I decided I was going to stop wanting to do it, and actually do it!! I have plenty of different works in the pipeline, so I hope you like my stuff .

Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDBreeze

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorDBreeze

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7215371.D_Breeze


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