Shattered & Mended

Book #2 in the Shaken Series
Cover Model: Darren Hitchcock
Photographer: Julie Bailes
Cover Designer: MGbookcovers

My mind was made up and my decision had been made, but fate felt the need to rear her ugly head and demand control. 
Fate is guaranteed, not to be reckoned with, and she won’t be defeated. You see, she’s the author to our stories that have already been written; there’s no editing them. Try as you might, but all you’ll do is piss her off. 
When you fuck with fates masterpiece, tragedy strikes, death occurs, and hearts get shattered. I’ve never been one to follow the rules. So instead, I stood with arms wide open and I challenged her. I knew the possibilities of her kicking my ass were high, but I refused to back down. I invited all the heat she packed, and quickly learned my lesson… 
You don’t fuck with her.

Chapter #1
I sit here in the waiting room, simply waiting. Waiting on someone, anyone, to tell me of her condition. No one will tell me a motherfucking thing, not even Lucille. It’s been three days. Three days of constant worry; three days of nothing but pure mental and emotional hell. I’m clueless as to what led her here. Why was she at Sophie’s apartment? Hell, what in the fuck was I doing at that slut’s apartment? I can’t remember a Goddamn thing from that night, the night Allie ripped my heart out of my chest. She stomped on it like she was putting out a fire.
I should’ve never left; maybe then she wouldn’t be here. All I wanted to do was get away for a while, catch my breath, and settle my mind with only a few beers. I said things I regret. And the pain in her face when I told her I gave up, that I was done, clouded my vision the entire drive to Willie’s. I turned my back on her and I left her, again.
What the fuck was I thinking? I know better than to walk away from someone in the middle of an argument, but what else was there to do? She gave a piece of me away, a piece of our love. How could she just give away our baby? Rage consumed all of me, and it was best I left before I said more shit that I didn’t mean. Hell, she’ll probably never look at me again. And I may never know, because no one will let me near her. I need to know she’s okay. I can’t fucking take it; I can’t take not knowing if she’s in pain or not. I hate the unknown and I’m losing my damn mind.
And that piece-of-shit Blake; who in the hell does he think he is, sucker punching me in the nose, and trying to claim my girl? He’s clearly lost his fucking mind. He waltzes around here believing he’s big shit because he’s able to keep an eye on Allie, and I’ve been banned from the premises. Fucking ass. He’s been itching to get his hands on me ever since he read the accident report. Apparently, Allie has talked about me many times before because Blake knew who I was, referring to me as her ‘ex’. Ha! He’s been terribly misinformed, and believe me, I set his ass straight. I informed him I sure as hell am NOT her ‘ex’. She’s mine, she always has been, and she always will be.
I couldn’t hold back the evil chuckle that rolled up my throat as I watched his face turn beet red. The veins in his neck pulsated from anger, and I listened to the grinding of his teeth. I wanted him to make a move; even the slightest twitch that he was coming for me and I would’ve taken his rich, snobby ass down. I needed some way to release my anger, and kicking ass comes naturally to me. Who the fuck is he to question me? He has no clue what I’ve been through, what Allie and I have gone through.
Before we could take our conversation any further, he got a call from one of the nurses caring for Allie. He tried to be secretive with the call, talking as low as he could, but I heard every damn word. Shit, half the damn waiting room heard the nurse’s voice through the phone.
Plus, the change in his posture and face said it all. The red that consumed his face drained and he raced to the elevator. I ran behind him, pushing my arm through the elevator doors just before they closed. “Fuck no. Get the fuck out, before I put you out,” he threatened.
His so-called ‘threat’ caused me to burst out in laughter. Seriously? We’re the same height but I double him in size; he’s no match for me. I’d pay to see his lean ass attempt to move me even an inch. I stepped closer to him so we were face to face. “Please. If you enjoy being able to use your arms, you’ll stand down… Doctor,” I retorted. He reached out and punched the button that lead to the ICU. “I don’t have time for this shit, but you can bet your ass, we aren’t finished,” he seethed.
“Wouldn’t want it any other way. In fact, your little threats excite me.”
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he vanished. He bolted through the doors faster than I could blink. He’s thinner than I am, so it was easy for him to slip through the crack of the elevator doors and get a lead. There was no way in hell I would’ve fit through the small space he slid through; you’d have a better chance fitting a camel through the eye on a needle.
I caught up to him just as he was preparing to enter Allie’s room. I reached out for the door handle but he stretched his arms out and blocked entrance into the room. “Aw, looks like she isn’t allowed visitors,” he said, as a satisfied grin spread across his face. “Nurse, would you mind showing Mr. Cooper back to the waiting area? Miss Anderson isn’t allowed visitors just yet,” he announced over my shoulder as his grin spread into a full-on smile.
“The fuck she will. I’m not leaving,” I growled.
“I assure you, you are. Either you follow her out willingly, or I’ll have security escort you completely off the grounds,” he said.
“If I didn’t love her so much, I’d bash your face in and be at her bedside. But since I want to be here when she asks for me—and she will ask for me—I’ll go to the damn waiting room,” I spat.
As he turned to enter Al’s room, I followed the nurse through the double doors. She escorted me out to the elevators, pushed the button, turned around to slide her badge, and went back to work. The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, but I didn’t enter. Nope, I stood outside the doors for fifteen minutes waiting on someone else to come along and slide their badge to open the doors that led into the ICU. As soon as one of the nurses slid her badge, I snuck in behind her just before the doors locked. The nurse’s station was empty, all but one woman flipping through a chart with her back turned away from me. I went to Allie’s door and opened it slowly. As I emerged through the door, she lifted her head and our eyes immediately connected.
Her monitors went crazy, and I felt her pain as I stared into her tired brown eyes. I took a few steps closer in attempt to get to her, but the closer I got, the more she began to pant.
Before I knew it, Blake turned around, called me a son-of-a-bitch, charged me, and landed one hell of a punch to my nose. I didn’t come to fight him. The bastard took me completely off guard. Obviously, he doesn’t care for Allie as much as he claims, because if he did, he would’ve controlled his anger. But after I saw blood, I was enraged. I only wanted to be by her side, to let her know that I’m here for her, but he kept pushing me back. I had no choice but to fight back.
Allie pleaded for us to stop, but Blake just wouldn’t give in. I have to hand it to him, he’s stronger than I imagined, but he isn’t strong enough. As I heard Allie’s breathless pleas, I tried to get to her, but it was too late. She passed out. Nurses rushed in, laid her bed flat and they
started checking her vitals. Finally, Blake decided to put Allie first. I stood over by the door and watched helplessly as the nurses and Blake worked on my distressed butterfly. I fought with myself to stay away, to stay out of their way. As much as I wanted to pick her up and hold her in my arms, I knew Blake was the only one able to help her at that very moment.

As I watched them bring Allie back, a strong hand rested upon my shoulder. “Come on, come with us, son,” a deep, husky voice commanded. I turned to see who the unfamiliar voice was, to see who had the nerve to approach me from behind: security. There was another officer behind him with pepper spray in one hand and handcuffs in the other. Reluctantly, I surrendered and followed them. They let me explain my side of the story, but it didn’t matter. Blake’s a resident here and I was an unwelcomed visitor, or so they said. They wrote up their report and banned me from seeing Allie. Actually, they banned me from the hospital, but fuck that shit. I’m not leaving. I refuse to leave her.

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Other Books in the Shaken Series
Currently Both on Sale for $.99!!!
Shaken #1

Shaken #1.5

                   About the Author 
Julie resides in a small town just outside of Nashville, TN. Living with her husband, twin boys, and prissy princess; she's always on the move. She enjoys any and all things chocolate. She has an addiction to caffeine and consumes unhealthy amounts of coffee. When she's not at home chasing after her rambunctious kiddo's, you will find her cuddled into the side of her loves arms, watching a movie, reading a book, typing up the craziness that consumes her mind, or in class. Her motto is to live like it's your last day on Earth, laugh until your stomach aches, and love until you heart stops beating. Also, never judge another, you don't know their struggles.


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Okay seriously, how much can one person endure? As this story continues Allie is caught between the man she finally gave her heart and the man who is her soul mate. Wyatt returns home and Allie is furious...not a word from him in four years and he thinks he can just come back into her life with the drop of a hat. Well Allie is in love with Blake and just discovered that she is pregnant! Wyatt also discovers that he has a daughter that he didn't know existed. Now the battle begins for Allies heart and happiness. However, tragedy strikes again and lives are turned upside...will there be happiness in the end or will there be more twists and turns too come? I absolutely love this can empathize with the characters and you can feel this story coming to life. 

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