Breaking Free

Holly James is trying to move on with her life, but it’s not easy. She can’t stand to be touched by anyone, not even her own family. She is a lost broken shell of the person that she used to be. She realizes that shutting everyone out is much easier then opening up and letting someone hurt her.

Drew Walker is no prince charming. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself and has no intention of changing. He loves the life of excitement and entitlement that comes with being the lead singer of a band, and has no plans to get tied down anytime soon.

When these two meet there is an immediate chemistry. The thing that surprises Holly is that she can tolerate his touch. He makes her feel like herself once again and gives her the freedom and comfort she has been desperate to find. On the other hand he is self-centered, egotistical, and everything that she should stay away from.

What happens when the one person who can save you might also be the person who can break you?

There was something about Drew, but I had no idea what it was. He was self-centered, cocky, and definitely not prince charming. Maybe that’s why I liked him though. Maybe I didn’t want to be saved by the handsome prince. Maybe I wanted to be corrupted by the evil king.”

**Breaking Free is for mature audiences only—strong language, and explicit sexual content are apparent.**

Author Bio and Links
Alexis Noelle lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with her husband, three kids, and two dogs. On top a writing career, she is a full-time student and a full-time mom. She loves spending time with her kids, although she has to hide the computer from them when she is writing! She love being active and being outdoors, especially if it involves any kind of shopping.
She has always been passionate about writing. She loves to read romance books and feels like being able to lose yourself in a book is one of the more exciting aspects. The books she loves to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. Ashley believes that you should have an opinion on every character in a book whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.
She also believes that the most important critic is your reader, so she loves to hear from the readers. She want her fans to be open & talk to her about what they want for the characters in the story, and what they would like to see happen.




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excerpt 1
I open the door and there he is. Drew Walker. It’s ridiculous that I only know his name because of Facebook. In my defense, I did ask him, but he pounced on me like an animal in heat. He hasn’t said anything to me and his penetrating gaze is starting to make me squirm.
“Why are you here?”
He smiles. “I told you that I was coming back for you.”
“I told you not to.”
He walks toward me and I back up until I am pressed against the wall behind me. Coming closer to me, he kicks the door shut with his foot. “I never got to answer your question, though.” I suck in a deep breath, overwhelmed by his proximity to me. “Ask me again.” Ask him what? I can barely think with him this close to me. He reaches up and threads his hand through my hair, grasping my neck and making me look up at him. “Ask. Me. Again.”
Shit. What the hell did I ask him? I suddenly remember and my body heats up. “What do you want from me?”
He’s staring at me with hooded eyes. “I want to own you in every physical way possible.” His mouth crashes against mine, his tongue immediately entering my mouth and overpowering me in every way. I melt into him, my legs too unsteady to support me. His hands move down, cupping my butt, and lifting me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. At this point, I’m ready to throw my morals out the window.

excerpt 2
I storm out of the bathroom and start to collect my things that are scattered all over the room. I can’t even look at the beautiful jerk who I know is staring at me. I hear him chuckle and my hands form into tight fists. The only thing that keeps me calm is imagining punching him in his smug face. Once I shove everything into my bag, I head for the door. I am only a foot away from it when Mr. Wonderful stands in front of me blocking my path.
I lift my head to meet his gaze trying to convey my hate and annoyance to him. It only lasts a minute, though, because every time I meet his gaze it’s like I’m under a spell. He puts me into a never ending fog where all I want is to be his. Damn him. I look away, trying to break the spell, and move to go around him.
He steps in front of me once more and I let out a sigh of exasperation. “What?” I try to sound strong and dominant, but I feel like I sound like a child throwing a tantrum. He laughs again and I can’t control myself; I shove his chest with both of my hands. “Ugh!” Of course, being the fortress of steel he is, I barely move him.
When it comes to Drew Walker, I have a feeling that I’m going to have to get used to losing. He’s so dominant in everything that he does that I know it will either be his way or no way. The only question is, am I ready to give up full control to him?
While I’m distracted contemplating our fate, he quickly moves and catches both of my hands, holding them behind my back with one of his. He pulls me so I’m now pushed up against him. “I like it when you’re feisty, James.” He bends his head to kiss me and I fight back the only way I can. I bite him. He inhales quickly, unprepared for my attack, but then smiles at me. “You have no idea how much shit like this turns me on.”
Before I know what’s happening, he spins me around so my butt is now pressed against him and I can feel his erection pressing against me.
“You know, usually I get tired of a girl after having sex a couple of times, but you keep me guessing. I like that.” He lowers his head and bites my neck. I yelp from the pain, but also melt from the pleasure at the same time. “Oh, and I bite back.” He releases me and I’m instantly missing the feeling of being pressed against him. “Let’s go.”
He takes my hand and starts to lead me out of the room. Before we enter the hallway, he grabs my bag out of my hand and tosses it into the room and then lets the door close.
“What the hell?”
“You run from me too much. Now at least I know you have to come back.”


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