How I Became Lotus Raine...The Porn Star

I refused to work my way up the company ladder by sexually favoring my sleazy boss. I was beginning to lose hope. Until one day, he surprised me with an assignment that would literally rock my world.

I never imagined my first assignment being my last. But Brent Nichols worked his way inside every way possible, unlocking something within me. 

Becoming a porn star was never part of the plan. Neither was changing my name. 

Everyone else knows me as Lucy Rogers, but you can call me Lotus Raine.

“We don’t have to do this tonight, but you’ll just be prolonging the inevitable if you decide against it.” His hand moved to my neck, cradling it as it fell back and his free hand trailed up my thigh, moving under the jean fabric of my shorts. “If you don’t want to go all the way, I won’t fight it, but let me at least give you a taste of what you’ll be missing out on.” He bent down, whispering into my ear, licking the edge of it as his finger slipped beneath the security of my cotton panties. Man was I thankful for my non-painted on shorts at that very moment. And so was my conscious pussy.

I bit my lip—hard—suppressing the moan. I internalized it by pressing my center closer to him, as his finger moved in and out of me deeper and faster.

“So wet. So wet and tight.” He murmured praises into my neck as he recklessly worked his finger in and out of me. I had never been touched as possessively and with such expertise as I had with him. In my mind, he had to be a professional fingerer. That had to be a profession, right?

Knocking at the door broke through my consciousness and caused my body to tense.

“Wait your fuckin’ turn,” he turned his head, yelling toward the door.

“We need to go,” I said hesitantly as he continued working his finger, adding his thumb to the mix as he rubbed my clit. My hands pressed into the top of the counter as I pushed myself further into the wall. I could feel it deep within me—signs of what was to come, forming and beginning to crackle throughout my body. Like an electrical current seeking full charge. Sparks here and there uniting, wanting to become one combustible unit.

“We aren’t leaving this bathroom until you get off. Either by my finger or my dick. The choice is yours.”

“Seriously?” I withered even more beneath him. “Who talks like that?” I had never been so turned on in all my life. It wasn’t just the way he was touching me, but that damn mouth of his could get me off by words alone.

“Men who know what they’re doing.” He looked up and gave me a sexy smirk.



Being born an "Army Brat", Erika Ashby has been residing in Oklahoma the last 10 years finally putting an end to the nomad tendencies she had grown accustomed to. She's a happily married woman who has 5 kids between her and her husband. She has an insane passion for music and embraces her Inner Groupie any chance she has. It wasn't until the age of 29 that she realized she also had a hidden passion for reading; before then she claimed to have hated it. Six months after unlocking that deep desire she never knew she held, she turned the key to another chapter of her life which has become the desire to write. And the rest is still history in the making.


Oh Lotus Raine I will tell you one thing flipping loved the hell out of this book. When I first signed up I was thinking okay the girl is a porn star no big deal. But ha ha this book was hilarious, sad, and down right amazing. It is not your typical book this is the story of how one girl got her name. She has always done hard work only to constantly be ran over by a girl who sucks her boss off to get the jobs that are suppose to go to Lucy. When the boss gives her, her first break she is shocked. To interview and follow a porn star Brent. But Brent isn't what he seems. This book is hot and steamy. And it is told from Lotus Raine and why she became a porn star. Enjoy
EJ Button


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