Project Lexi

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Title – Project Lexi Series – The Lexi Series Author – Lisa Survillas Genre – NA/Contemporary Romance Publication Date – June 19, 2014 Publisher – Lisa Survillas Cover Artist – Cover design by Kimberly Knight Photographs for cover - Geanette Trumbull of

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Book Blurb/Synopsis

Lexi Crandall’s, world is turned upside down junior year of high school. Her confession tears her family apart and leaves them broken. Looking for escape, she heads out of town for college. Wracked with guilt and shame, she keeps to herself, befriending only her roommate, Paige.

Derek Fressen experiences one tragedy after another. After learning to cope with being raised by a single mom, he and his sister, Tiffany, become closer than ever. When Tiffany escapes Seattle for college, Derek takes the opportunity to leave his past behind as well.

San Francisco State University is where Lexi and Derek find themselves junior year, thrown into the most uncomfortable situation possible, a group project that requires each to open up about their past. Their grade depends upon the ability to prove to the professor through a class presentation that they truly learned about one another.

Painful memories and terrifying tests of courage propel Lexi to learn how to take baby steps in the healing process and give her hope of one day feeling normal. Although he feels he’s pretty well healed from the horrible events of his past, Derek is lonely and longing for a life of more. Will they be able to share enough of their lives with each other to pass this class? How much will Lexi let Derek help her in the process? Are their tragic pasts too much to overcome, or will love be in their future?


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I can’t get her to look at me, I think she’s ashamed that she has no experience to go with. When I’m finally begging, she looks up and I can’t help it. She looks so lost, so sad. I know that she just needs the courage, but how will she ever find it if she doesn’t know what the reward is like? So I lean over, I place my hand on her cheek, and my lips on hers. She doesn’t freak out, so I use my tongue to entice her. I run it along her lower lip. I feel her breathing pick up and I’m nervous she’ll push me away, but when she doesn’t I try to coax her lips apart so I can really kiss her. When she opens them, her tongue meets mine and I have to keep repeating to myself, “Slow, slow, slow,” or my body might take over and try to push her past her limits. She’s not ready for more than this.

I don’t let myself linger too long. I would love to kiss her all night, but she needs baby steps. I need to give her that or this won’t work. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself, but I should’ve made sure it was okay first.” I say it knowing that she needed the surprise of it or it would’ve never happened.

Her response takes me by surprise, “Don’t. Be. Sorry.” She is breathing hard and can’t form a sentence. I love it. That means she loved it. When she brings her hand up to touch her lips, I know I can make this better for her. I stop her hand with mine and leaving the other on her cheek, I lean back in for a deeper kiss. She responds immediately. I make this one longer, but not much. This time when I pull back, we are both panting for air.

“Wow.” A simple statement from her confirming that she liked it.

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I'm Lisa. I live in sunny southern California with my wonderful husband and two teenage children. Hubbyis a high school PE teacher and is the coach of three different high school sports. With two kids in high school and involved in activities both inside and outside of school, I have a lot to juggle. When home, I lock myself inside the office to write. I've always loved to write, but life always seemed to be too busy. When inspiration finally hit, I made the most of the time hubby and kids were busy and published my first book in February 2014. It's a teen/young adult book and the first in a series. I'm currently working on a New Adult/Contemporary Romance series with the first book due out end of June 2014. Be on the look-out for more.

Lexi had a tuff childhood. Lexi was sexually abused by her father. Leaving her family torn apart, the only thing Lexi wants is to escape the town and the nightmare behind. She leaves for college and attends the San Francisco State University. Her roommate is the only one that knows what happened back home. Derek also has a past and when he decides transfer to San Francisco State University after attending a community college in Seattle for a few years.  That's how he meets Lexi. They both have been through tragedies, and are paired up to work on a project together. The goal is to get to know the other person and that’s exactly what happens with Lexi and Derek. Derek is a strong-willed, caring man who only wants what’s best for Lexi. Lexi is healing and getting stronger every day, and now she know she has another person to lean on. This book tugs on your heartstrings and deals with many sensitive topics; sexual abuse and death. These characters are reliving their lives and sharing their pasts to one another. You cant help but feel sadness for the both of them yet at the same time rooting for Lexi and Derek to find trust and love in each other. Four stars for me!


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