Barred Release Day Blitz

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Daycare owner, Kimberly Weston, has an amazing life and a growing business. One second was all it took for destruction to occur and now she can lose everything that she worked so hard to achieve. Distraught and afraid, she reaches out to the two most sought after lawyers in the state of Louisiana. What she finds is unexpected.
Emerson Stanley, tall, dark and handsome. Also cocky and arrogant sends Kimberly away. When leaving his office she runs into his partner, Jonathon Phillips. Being the complete opposite of Emerson in most ways, Jonathon is kind and funny. Kimberly feels drawn to both in a different way. One comment is all it takes to have her thoughts get carried away. When an agreement is met and business turns to pleasure, can the three keep a level head? Or will she lose everything and end up behind bars? *****DISCLAIMER****** This book is for adults 18 and older... This book contains sexual acts.
“Emerson, you really should learn to let loose. It isn’t healthy for someone to be so serious all the time.” Kimberly says, reaching up and running her hands through his hair. It’s different to spend a night without both of the men. “You think I am not fun, Kimberly?” “Did I say that?” She retorts and pulls his shirt from his body. “Along those lines, yes. I will prove you wrong. I have a surprise for you tomorrow.” He tells her as he lays her down, only to be rolled over, with her straddling his waist. “A surprise huh?” She smiles as he rolls over on top of her, his naked chest pressed against her lace covered one. “Mmhmm, but for now it’s time for me to fuck you.” She lets out a breathy moan as he picks her up placing her in the middle of the bed. He pulls away slightly, reaching into his carry-on bag. He shifts all of his weight on his forearms as he lays over her. “Do you trust me, Kimberly?” “Yes.” She answers without hesitation, seeing the look in his eyes has her trembling. “Good. I’m going to blindfold you.” “Why?” She asks but he slides a finger over her lip. “If you trusted me it wouldn’t matter.” He says with a smug grin. She nods her head as he slides the black silk tie over her eyes, tying it in a knot behind her head. After he has the blindfold set how he wants it, he slowly trails his hand from her jaw, to her neck, over the swell of her breasts. His hand continues on in a teasing descent down her body, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. He slowly pulls her shirt over her head, followed by the tight jeans she taunted him with all night. She whimpers, feeling the heat of his body move away from her. “Emerson?” She calls out hearing his footsteps retreating. What the hell? She reaches up to remove the blindfold but halts when she hears his footsteps getting closer. “Emerson?” The mattress indents while he kneels at the end of the bed, looking at the woman in front of him—the cream-lace covering her beautiful body. He grabs her foot, pulling her flush to the mattress, chuckling when she lets out an “hmph.” He takes a sip of the cold water before sliding a piece of the ice into his mouth. He kisses up her leg, making sure not to let the ice touch her just yet. He slides his palms over her knees to her thighs, before reaching the apex of her thighs. He slides his nose over her sex, inhaling the smell of her arousal. “You are beautiful, Kimberly.” He reaches up, grabbing the band of her lace thong before ripping the material in half, exposing her beautiful pussy to him. “I’ll buy you more.” He huskily adds, sliding his cold tongue over the lips of her pussy. “Oh!” She lets out as his tongue slides between her lips to taste the sweetness between them. Emerson reaches between her legs, lifting her hips, grabbing the cheeks of her ass—angling her hips to grant him better access to her pussy. He slides his tongue into her channel, tasting the decadence flowing from her. He lets out a groan of approval as his tongue laps at the juices flowing freely from her. He looks up at the goddess laying in his bed, sliding his tongue out of her, gliding it to the bud between her lips. He gently nibbles on her clit, smiling when he gets a squeal from her. He slides his right hand out from under her ass while slowly sliding it down the back of her leg to the apex of her thigh. He teases her for a second, running his hand between her thigh and pussy before sliding two fingers into her. He curls the two fingers while he flicks his tongue over her clit at a fast pace. He is a man on a mission, he wants to see her come undone just for him. He pushes a breath out of his lips onto her clit and within seconds she is withering underneath him. He knows she’s close, so he curls his fingers one more time and her hands tighten around the sheets. “Emerson!” She cries out as his mouth is flooded with the sweetness, the essence that is Kimberly. He continues to lap at her sweet nectar while she comes down from the high he just gave to her. He slowly flips her over onto her stomach before lifting her hips. “Are you ready, Kimberly?” She nods, still speechless from the orgasm he just gave to her. He grabs her hips and slams his hard cock deep into her pussy. He lets out a staggered breath, feeling the tightness of her envelope him. “So fucking good.” He leans down, kissing her back as he slams into her over and over. She reaches forward, using the headboard of the bed to keep her from losing her placing as he slams into her. He continues to slam into her as they both work their way up to another release. As Emerson continues to fuck her ruthlessly, she has no choice but to hold on for the ride. She reaches between her legs to rub her engorged bud. Just as she feels herself rising to release, she feels Emerson start to throb inside her tight channel. She knows he’s about to come so she lets herself go. She rubs her clit faster as her sex tightens and releases around his throbbing cock. “Emerson!” She cries, exploding around him. “Fuck!” He howls, spurting his release into her. He rests his head on her back while he comes down from the heaven he just witnessed. He reaches up, pulling the scarf away from her head as she lays completely spent underneath him. He leans forward kissing her temple before rolling off of her, lying down beside her. “You are beautiful, Kimberly.” barred2
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Barred~Paisley Walker
Kimberly is a single woman who owns a daycare center. One mistake could cause Kimberly to lose everything, her only hope is the best lawyers in the state and that would be Emerson & Johnathon. Both of whom keep finding their attracted to the same women, so they decided to try and share. Their first attempt was a nightmare, but when Kimberly walks in they both want her and the proposal she bring them intrigues them and that gives them a the chance they have been looking for to have her. But sex quickly turns to feelings which turns into something more for all three of them! Kimberly now must choose to continue on and love both men or let one go so they can too find the love they deserve, the love of one women that they don't have to share! Lets see what happens, will this end without anyone getting hurt and will they find the happiness the deserve? 4 stars for me!


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