Dark Mafia Prince by New York Times bestselling author, Annika Martin is LIVE!
Aleksio Don’t look at me like that. So trusting. Like you think I’m not a monster. Like I won’t wrap your hair in my fist and bend you to my will. Like I won’t sacrifice you, piece by piece, to save my brother. I’m the most dangerous enemy you’ll ever have because every time you look at me, you see somebody good. That friend who died. And when you look at me like that, I die again.

Mira I spent years making myself invisible. A good girl, apart from the noise.
Then you came back, beautiful and deadly in your Armani suit. Don’t look at me like you still know me, you say. But I remember your smile and those sunny days. Before they lowered your small casket into the ground. Before they told us the prince was dead. DMP-NOWLIVE2


About the Author:
Annika Martin is a NYT bestselling author who enjoys writing dirty stories about dangerous criminals! She loves helping animals and kicking snow clumps off the bottom of cars around the streets of Minneapolis, and in her spare time she writes as the RITA award-winning author Carolyn Crane. REASONABLE
Connect with Annika:


Powerful, nail biting, and full of seriously moments. Aleskio is a bad man or so they think well he has been through hell and back and is ready for vengeance. It's time for him and his brother to find their 3rd heart their brother Kiro. And in order to do that they have to face the bastard that took it all away. The problem is Mira the daughter the Mafia Princess. Mira hates the mob life and enjoys living by herself but even that is a lie. When the day she is going back to school all hell breaks loose and she comes face-to-face with the one person she thought was dead. Aleskio and Mira are now trying to tolerate each other while he try's to figure out where his brother is. Find out if they find him? What happens between Aleskio and Mira? And can they live through it all. 


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