LIKE A Lady SERIAL Sale Blitz

Title: Like a Lady Serial Box Set
Series: Like a Lady #1-4
Author: S.J. Sawyer
Genre: New Adult Romantic Comedy
 Release Date: June 17, 2016


The Like a Lady serial is a Southern, romantic comedy that will leave you laughing and swooning in equal measure. This boxset contains the complete four novella serial all in one package. Get Mason and Red’s entire story in one setting!

*Includes a bonus short story from the upcoming standalone, Call Girl

Big Girl Panties

Mom always tells me that when life gives you lemons you squeeze the heck out of them and hope for some lemonade, but after catching that no-good lying, jerk of a bastard cheating on me seconds before we were supposed to be married, I do what any self-respecting Southern girl would do: throw a punch and hide under my blankie. Now, Mary Lou thinks I need a night of fun and adventure. I agree to go out, planning to get her off my back, but when I find myself in Mason Pierce’s arms, I’m thanking my lucky stars, and my best friend. ~Red

Freemont, Oklahoma, is the last place on the whole damned planet that I want to spend my summer and working on my parents’ ranch is the last thing I want to do, but damned if that’s not what I’m doing. Monroe and I need a night away from this place, a night to blow off steam. A party at the lake sounds like a mighty fine idea, and after catching a glimpse of Red Summers in the firelight, I’m quickly changing my tune. ~Mason

Hide Your Crazy 

Woah! It’s the only thing that I can think because my head's so full of Mason Pierce I can’t think about anything else. Who would have thought two weeks could change your perception so completely? Not me, but it surely has. I’m a gonner: hook, line, and sinker. There’s only one thing runnin’ around my head, and it’s Mason. I want him. Bad. It’s fun. It’s light.The sex is explosive. What more can a girl ask for? Right?~Red

My bed. My truck. And everywhere else I can think of. That’s where I want Red, and I want her there, now, without all the damned interruptions that seem to surround us. Yeah, they’re supposed to be our friends, but I’m seriously starting to wonder if they’re getting off torturing me. Because that’s what this is, wanting Red, having Red but not being able to have her, it’s torture.~Mason

Fix Your Makeup 

It’s a summer fling; just keep telling yourself that and you’ll be alright. This thing with Mason Pierce, it’s just a fling, something fun to pass the time. He’s a rebound from the disastrous breakup, a band-aid, a patch over a wound that will help the hurt heal, right? ~Red

If someone had told me two months ago that I’d be spending the summer with Red Summers in my arms, I’d have called them crazy, but here I am and here she is. Life is just about as perfect as it can be. Except, it feels like she’s pulling away instead of drawing closer. Everyday, it seems that Red is putting more and more distance between us, and I don’t understand why. ~Mason

Say a Prayer 

It hurts. God, does it ever hurt. Having your heart ripped from its home in your chest, metaphorically or literally, isn’t a fun thing. No, it’s gruesome, and once in a lifetime was more than enough. Twice. Twice is almost unbearable. I’ll make it, though. I’m strong enough to persevere, to move on, and I will because I know that there’s no other option. I can’t stop living. I won’t stop living. ~Red

One step. Two. I’ll take it a day at a time and hope to hell the pain goes away. The thing is, I know it won’t. It just keeps getting stronger because without her love, I’m lost. And it sucks. This feeling, the loss, it’s getting worse, but what am I supposed to do about it? She won’t listen to me. Nothing I say has swayed her, not a bit. Why can’t she see I’m miserable without her? ~Mason

Purchase Links

Only 99c until June 28!!!


Available in Kindle Unlimited

Praise for Like a Lady Serial

Books and Boys: “This was such a fun story. It was short and sweet and kept me entertained. Lots of laugh out loud humor.”

Amazon Reviewer: “This is my first book I've read from S.J Sawyer and I like to say bravo! I will definitely be reading more of hers, with saying that I highly recommend this story!”

Nerd Girl Official: “I think that this is a fun, no brainer for any reader! It is easily read in an afternoon, while floating in the pool, or sitting on the beach - just beware that you will laugh out loud and that you will smile and look a bit odd to someone if they catch you, but it is a fun novella and I am looking forward to the next one!”

Rosie’s Book Heaven: “It is a charming story. It made me laugh and made my heart happy. It is a story about missed opportunities, second chances and true love. Things happen for a reason! It is going into my favorites.”

Author Bio

Twenty-something, Okie girl S.J. Sawyer enjoys creating the best book-boyfriends in a mix of romance, humor, and reality, loving her heroes swoon-worthy and stubborn. Author of the Sealed series and Like A Lady serial, writing new adult, romantic comedy, and contemporary romance. Mom of three; wife of one. Graduate of SOSU with a Bachelor’s degree in English Lit. Lover of books, young and old. Sucker for the happy ending.

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