Title: Cocky Savior
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Jane Blythe
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 27, 2020

Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward's New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.


Florence Harris thought if she ever fell in love it would be with someone sweet, dependable, boring. 
Turns out she likes arrogant, annoying, ego so big it wouldn’t fit in the ocean Eli Lennox. 
Just because he saved her life he thinks it gives him permission to meddle in it. He’s determined to save her from herself. 
Problem is she thinks she’s beyond saving. 

She’s beautiful, intelligent, and the sexiest woman Eli had ever laid eyes on, and she turns him down flat when he asks her out. 
That doesn’t happen to him often. 
Or ever. 
And it makes him determined to prove to her she’s worth every ounce of effort he’s going to put into winning her heart. 
Eli Lennox always gets what he wants.



Free in Kindle Unlimited

Florence Harris is not anyone you were expect she's a cop who investigates brutal, serial killers, and their crimes. She's been chasing one that she know she's so close to capturing. When someone tries to kill her another saves her. Eli Lennox is sexy, strong, and knows what he wants. When an accident is about to happen he doesn't realize he's about to get thrust into a world that he had no intention of being in. However he can't help the attraction he has to Florence. These two have such passion it's like no other. However Florence has a past and heartache I would never wish on anyone. Just when she thinks she has solved it all it's about to come back. Eli will do whatever it takes to protect Florence even if dying for her is what happens. Can they save each other before it's to late? I gotta say I think this story will be in the top 5 of this amazing series. I loved how it kept you engaged in every page, and left you wanting more in the end. 



Jane Blythe is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic suspense full of sexy heroes, strong heroines, and serial killers! When she's not weaving hard to unravel mysteries she loves to read, bake, go to the beach, build snowmen, and watch Disney movies. She has two adorable Dalmatians, is obsessed with Christmas, owns 200+ teddy bears, and loves to travel!



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