Stumbling into the HOLIDAYS Release

Title: Stumbling Into The Holidays
Series: Stumbling Through Life #3
Author: Molly O'Hare
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: December 15, 2020


Tis the season...for chaos and clumsiness. 

Ben, Holly, Waffles, and the rest of the gang are back in this holiday special that's bringing back all of your favorite characters. Let's see how much trouble Lord Waffles and Mildred will bring to this holiday season. 

Book 3 in the Stumbling Through Life Series. 


$2.99 for a limited time!


Love Holly and Ben and their entire gang of misfits. They are back in this holiday story that will have your cracking up. The animals are just as funny as the humans and you have to shake your head at their antics. This family is going into the holiday with Ben giving Holly crap and their kids will have you saying yup just like my own. Not giving anything away but if you loved Ben and Holly before this one takes the cake and lights a fire. 


99c for a limited time!


$2.99 for a limited time!



Hey, thanks for reading my bio to check me out! Has anyone told you, you’re beautiful and amazing lately? Just in case they haven’t, I am!

So you want to know a little more about me? Well, okay then. Much like any author out there, sleeping doesn’t come easily to me. As it turns out, I’ve got horrible insomnia. Like, scary horrible. Anyway, when I was younger, to help myself fall asleep I’d tell myself stories. Each night I’d pick up where the story left off previously until it was complete. Then I started writing them down. A few months later, here I am, sharing my lack of sleep with all of you. Who said the stories in our heads can’t be fun for others?



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