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All I wanted was to get away from my coven and its archaic rules. My dream is to live a regular human life, but when my wish to leave the coven is granted, of course there’s strings attached. Given to the shifter pack near us, freedom is even further away.

The only good thing about my new life is the sexy, new alpha of the pack, Ryder. But submitting to this life still means captivity, and no matter what kind of attraction we have, I refuse to accept it regardless of what fate may be trying to tell me.


I needed magic to save my dying father, and what I got instead was a witch who wants out of the supernatural life. She gives me more than I bargained for when I realize she’s my future. We reach an understanding, but she’s bound and determined to leave the pack and coven life behind.

But I won’t let her go, as even if she’s chosen to fight me on this, she belongs with me.

*Trigger warnings include death, kidnapping, swearing, sex, and emotional abuse.



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July 19th _ Release weekMoon Bound Teaser

Release week Moon Bound Teaser





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 Her already-quickened heartbeat beats irregular and she presses herself against the wall at her back. Little does she realize, my deer just willingly strode right into the trap I laid and my hands raise to the wall by her head, locking her into place.

“Ryder.” But the word lacks conviction, once again proving I’m correct.

“Tell me I’m right, Carina,” I murmur. My breath blows over her face as I take in her sweet, cinnamon scent. A scent I missed so much. “Prove to me I’ve been invading your dreams.”

Her lips part, but she shakes her head, remaining firm in her lie.

Does she not realize I love chasing my prey? She’s making my wolf howl in enjoyment in the game she’s designed for us. One hand drops from the wall and onto her shoulders, brushing the hair away from her neck. I lower my face into the curve, shooting my tongue against her skin and licking a path up the side of her neck. My own groan remains deep in my throat because I need her to fold before me. She shudders and I smile into her neck.

“Prove to me no matter who you flirt with, I’m who your body desires,” I murmur. “That I’m truly who you want.”


My tongue drags up another line, stopping at the base of her ear before my teeth sink lightly into the skin there. Her breathing goes ragged.

My hands twitch to touch her everywhere, but restraint keeps them still.

“Fine. I know the truth.” I pull back, capturing her eyes with my own. “Want to know how?”

Her eyes flicker, curiosity and wariness in their depths, but she says nothing.

“You forget, mate, I know your scent. And what you smell like now is nothing compared to what you were like with the human.”



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Read The First Chapter HERE!




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MLP Logo V2

M.L. Philpitt is Canadian-born and raised. As a Ravenclaw, she loves education, having undergraduate degrees in English Literature and Sociology, a certificate in Autism and Behavioural Sciences, and a MA in Counselling Psychology.

She writes in various romance new adult genres including but not limited to paranormal, fantasy, dark romance, and contemporary. She has lots of crazy trapped in her head for readers to enjoy.

When M.L. Philpitt isn’t making up stories, she’s enjoying those imagined by other authors. Her love of reading began when she was a young child and only grew with age. She likes many genres, as reflected in her writing preferences. Despite being an author, she’s an active ARC reader, book buyer, and moderator for The New Adult Book Club on Goodreads.


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