The Brother and Her Best Friend


Book Blitz: The Brother and Her Best Friend
by JA LaFrance

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
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In book two of Curvy and Wanted: Cammy Ashe is in love with her best friend's brother. After they share a mind-blowing kiss, one she thought might be a start to something special, but it seems to have only affected her when he continues on with his extra-curricular activities of jumping from girl to girl. 
Ross Matthews proves to be his own worst enemy when he messes up the best thing he could have had by keeping a tight grip on his heart. As his screw-ups has the one person with the ability to crush his heart for good walking out of his life, he's left to realize that he is in love with his sister's best friend. 

Has Ross's own stupidity cost him a future? Or can Cammy push the hurt and Ross's past actions aside and accept the love he only has for her?

Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences 18+. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content.

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