Let me Love



A chance encounter. An undeniable connection. An unimaginable twist of fate.

Kailey’s life is crumbling. Her best friend and sister, Jen, is dying, leaving her young family devastated. With little hope of saving her, Kailey is forced to face a reality she never expected.

Trey’s life is fun and carefree. He loves the girls, his drums, and his friends. That’s not to say he isn’t continuously plagued by a difficult decision made years ago—one that changed the course of his life.

Despite the connection they make when their paths unexpectedly cross, Kailey knows her life has no room for anyone else right now. But regardless of how many times she pushes him away, Trey only fights harder to make a place for him in her life and in her heart.

Trey thought he knew heartbreak, but he had no idea until life gave him a second chance, only to snatch it away just as fast. This time he’s determined to keep his place in the life of the ones he loves.

Is there such a thing as fate? If so, can Kailey and Trey hold on to one another long enough to discover there’s no such thing as a chance encounter?

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18685581-let-me-love


Michelle moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids.  She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write.   With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. When she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends.  But after chasing around twin preschoolers all day, she always cherishes her relaxation time after putting the kids to bed.

Twitter: @michellelynnbks

Purchasing Links:

The Invisibles Series
Don’t Let Go (Book #1)
Amazon ==>  http://amzn.to/1fe4JTm
B&N ==> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dont-let-go-michelle-lynn/1116782569?ean=2940148422853

Let Me In (Book #2)
B&N ==> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/let-me-in-michelle-lynn/1117186980?ean=2940148553045

Let Me Love (Book #3)
AMAZON - http://amzn.to/1psR9DD
B&N - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/let-me-love-michelle-lynn/1118740302?ean=2940149478552


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 I curl my knees up to my chest, shivering, my face glued to the couch. I peel my mouth away from the leather, wiping the drool as I sit up. Shit, it’s cold in this state. Staring at the practically empty bottle of Jack sitting on the coffee table, regret hits me. I’ll be useless for the rest of today. That is, until I can drown myself into another bottle tonight.
After I stand up, I attempt to steady myself by holding my arms out, like a toddler on a balance beam, willing the room stop swirling. “He’s down here,” Dex screams up the stairs.
“Shit, quiet the fuck down,” I tell him, and he laughs boisterously. Jackass!
“What the hell, man? We’ve been searching all over for you,” he says, plopping himself on the couch.
“Well, you found me,” I say, sitting back down, grateful for the excuse not to move for the time being.
“You got to get it together. We’re going to that party at Sam’s tonight. Screw Kailey, there’ll be plenty of girls begging to have your dick tonight.” Dex’s attempt to pull me from this funk, only reminds me of who Kailey thinks I am.
“Shut the hell up, Hulk.” Brady smacks Dex across the back of his head. He tosses me a bottle of water and sits on the other side of me.
“Just because you and Grant have gone all in, doesn’t mean the rest of us want one pussy for the rest of our lives,” Dex adds with humor in his voice.
“Grow up,” Brady says and picks up the nearly empty bottle in front of him. “If this,” he waves it in the air, “and fucking a different pussy every chance you get is being single, then I’m more than happy where my dick lands every night,” he finishes, setting the bottle back down.
“Save us the whole commitment is the best speech,” Dex banters back.
Brady stares Dex down in annoyance while all the back and forth makes my headache a little more intense.
“If she has you doing this, she must be worth it.” Brady cocks an eyebrow at me, and I stare back at him, already recognizing he’s right, but no way in hell am I going to admit it to him. 
“Shit,” I mumble, and Brady drones his fatherly know it all ‘uh huh’ under his breath. Cocky bastard.  Standing up, I take the steps two at a time. Right before I reach the top, I hear Brady and Dex talking.
“You give shitty advice,” Brady tells Dex.
“Fuck off, Mrs. Sadie Miller,” Dex says in return. “He’s gonna become pussy whipped, just like your ass.”
“And believe me, he’ll be happier,” Brady adds. As I reach the main floor, I pray Brady’s right.


Michelle has done it again with this Let Me Love you #3 in the The Invisible Series. Man I loved all these books but I think this one was my favorite. I loved Trey from the beginning and his character just melted my heart in this one. When he met Kailey his life took a turn sometime for the better sometimes for the worst. The thing you don't know about Trey is that he has a secret and his secret will come out and it will either conquer the love he has with Kailey or it will destroy them. I don't want to give to much away except you can learn about the other characters that we have met along the way and see if Rob and Trey can put their past behind them or continue with their drama.


  1. Thank you so much for participating in the blog tour! Wonderfully written review! :)


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