Two Wolds Colliding #1 Scorpio Stinger MC

 Title: Two Worlds Colliding
Series: #1 Scorpio Stinger MC
Author:  Jani Kay
Release Date: March 18, 2014

All any woman ever wants, is to know that she’s worth fighting for. All any man ever wants, is to know that he can take care of his woman. Protect her, provide for her, look after her needs and desires. That’s enough. Right? WRONG. It matters where they come from. It matters who their family is. Especially when it’s from polar opposite worlds.
Opposites attract. Ryder and Jade are drawn to one another like magnets. The Princess and the Biker. They fall in lust—hard. But is it strong enough to lead to love when everything is stacked against them?
Will Jade follow her heart or her head? Ryder OR her family. Can Ryder forget his allegiance to his brothers and his club to have his Princess? Jade OR his family.
Is Jade worth fighting for?
What happens when Ryder and Jade’s two worlds collide? Is what they have strong enough to overcome the odds? Or will their worlds destroy one another and rip them apart.
Is the ultimate price too high?

Jani has been married for a long time to a special man, and her two children and their partners are the sunshine in her life. She is a voracious reader and would spend her last dollar on a book - always fascinated that for the mere price of a book, she can escape her world for a while and see through someone else's eyes.

Besides reading, her favorite 'thing' is traveling - she has traveled the world, learning about the ways people live and has come to the realization that no matter where we live, we all ultimately want the same things. Her hobby - Scrapbooking - keeps her up till way after midnight and her usual subjects are her family and her travels.

Ever since she can remember, Jani wanted to write stories about people, about their lives and loves. Relationships and Happiness - arguably the most difficult things to master in life and yet exactly what everyone ultimately desires (in her humble opinion).



Purchase links for Ryder (#0.5 Scorpio Stinger MC)

There will be a giveaway running for 5 ebooks of Two Worlds Colliding + 5 swag packs
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Well if you read the prequel you will be ooo la la on book 1 because I could not put it down. Read it in half a day and boy was it awesome. Jade and Ryder are forever fighting against the one thing they want each other. But their world will collide and it will be the ultamate challenge to see if they can break through the B.S. to see if they can be together. But when their families decide they are not allowed to be together Jade and Ryder are put to the test and it will be their hearts that break. However what type of bad boy biker would Ryder be if he didn't fight. But his fight is not only for Jade it is to find the truth about his childhood, father, and mother. Will the truth set Ryder free from his demons or will it break him? I love MC series and this one is no different. It is not only about love but family and what that means to people like Jade and Ryder. 


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