Title: Close the Tab
Series: Devil's Due MC #3
Author: Chelsea Camaron
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: May 30, 2017 Cover: Cover Me Darling
The system created to serve and protect failed him. The domino effect of one person's crime going unpunished has no boundaries. He's no saint. Bladen 'Judge' Jones rides to escape the firm hand of his past. When home is a nightmare, the unknown suddenly isn't so frightening. Riding with his brothers, the Devil's Due MC, is more support than he has ever had in his lifetime. She's not afraid to call herself a sinner. Tamalyn Andrews is a master mixer, hiding out in a small town hick bar on the outskirts of a town for nobodies. Looking over her shoulder is something she can't stop herself from doing. Old habits die hard. However, danger bellies up to her bar. Will Bladen face his own past to uncover Tamalyn's secrets? When everything crashes around her, will Tamalyn open up to Bladen in time to save her life? Love, hate, anger, and passion collide as the time comes, and the devil demands his due.

Close the Tab is about Judge's story one I have been wanting to really read. Know one knew what made Judge the way he was. He protected fiercely and did what needed to be done. When it was time for him to face his past and deliver the Devil Due he doesn't expect the dominoes to fall so quickly. However when they do fall I will say this no one is safe. Tamalyn was always his heart and he her's but the past is in the past. Tamalyn has tried to protect herself and stay safe as possible. When she knows something is up she runs, what she doesn't want is anyone to find her including Judge. However when the past come knocking these two will have to try and stay upright. Can he save her? Can she save him? Or will all he has fought for be in vain?

I just can't get enough…I love reading about my MC boys!! Chelsea you never disappointed and I really love that the nomads are getting there HEA! Keep it coming!!
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USA Today Bestselling author Chelsea Camaron is a small town Carolina girl with a big imagination. She is a wife and mom chasing her dreams. She writes contemporary romance, erotic suspense, and psychological thrillers. She loves to write blue-collar men who have real problems with a fictional twist. From mechanics to bikers to oil riggers to smokejumpers, bar owners, and beyond, she loves a strong hero who works hard and plays harder.



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