Who is Declan Reede?

Decline (Book 1) Declan Reede: the Untold Story Series
Declan Reede: The Untold Story series
By: Michelle Irwin
Genre: New Adult Romance

*Warning - Due to adult content & language this series is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.*

Hold on tight, stick to the racing line, and watch for the corners.

Four years after making the decision to leave his hometown behind, all of Declan Reede's dreams have come true. Unapologetically foul-mouthed, driven, and well known for his off-track antics, his success seems unstoppable. At least until Queensland Raceway and a chance sighting of the girl who once held his heart. Now, getting around the track seems an impossible battle as he struggles to return to his previous form. With his career racing downhill faster than his V8 on Mount Panorama, there's more than just his reputation on the line.

What will it take to put the brakes on his decline?


Michelle Irwin has been many things: a hobbit taking a precious item to a fiery mountain; a young child stepping through the back of a wardrobe into another land; the last human stranded not-quite-alone in space three million years in the future; and a time-travelling madman in a box. All of these feats and many more were achieved through her voracious reading. Eventually, the cast of her mind took over and spilled onto the page.

Michelle lives in sunny Queensland in the land down under. A lover of love and overcoming the odds, she primarily writes paranormal and fantasy romance.

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Who is Declan Reede FB cover
Decline (Book 1) Declan Reede: the Untold Story Series
Declan Reede: The Untold Story series
By: Michelle Irwin
Genre: New Adult Romance
*Warning - Due to adult content & language this series is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.*
Hold on tight, stick to the racing line, and watch for the corners.
Four years after making the decision to leave his hometown behind, all of Declan Reede's dreams have come true. Unapologetically foul-mouthed, driven, and well known for his off-track antics, his success seems unstoppable. At least until Queensland Raceway and a chance sighting of the girl who once held his heart. Now, getting around the track seems an impossible battle as he struggles to return to his previous form. With his career racing downhill faster than his V8 on Mount Panorama, there's more than just his reputation on the line. What will it take to put the brakes on his decline?
Declan Free Sale 2
About The Author
Michelle Irwin Bio
Michelle Irwin has been many things: a hobbit taking a precious item to a fiery mountain; a young child stepping through the back of a wardrobe into another land; the last human stranded not-quite-alone in space three million years in the future; and a time-travelling madman in a box. All of these feats and many more were achieved through her voracious reading. Eventually, the cast of her mind took over and spilled onto the page.
Michelle lives in sunny Queensland in the land down under. A lover of love and overcoming the odds, she primarily writes paranormal and fantasy romance.
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