Cherished Cover Reveal

I’m a cursed beast, and she’s my tempting beauty.

For years, I’ve lived in a glass and steel castle high above the streets of New York. A prison where I pace like a caged beast. If I leave, I lose my empire, and the technology I invented falls into the hands of those who would use it for evil.

I believe my fate is sealed, until I lay eyes on my new heart-stoppingly gorgeous neighbor across the street and about forty stories below. She’s beautiful and tempting. She’s young and innocent. She’s an obsession I’ll never taste and a dream I’ll forever replay only in my head.

Until she’s in trouble. Until I can’t stand by and watch her get hurt.

Leaving my penthouse could mean losing everything. But she is my everything. Mia breaks down my walls, and makes me want to shatter every rule I have.

I’ll risk it all for her. I’ll keep her safe. I’ll treasure her, and cherish her, and I’ll never let her go…

Cover by Plan 9 Cover Design

Jagger Cole likes his romance books like he likes his martinis—extra dirty, with a twist. A reader first and foremost, Jagger got his start with steamy romance almost ten years ago, writing especially dirty and somewhat perplexing Star Wars erotic fan-fiction for online message boards.

After deciding to hang up his writing boots, Jagger worked in advertising for a number of years pretending to be Don Draper. It worked enough to convince a woman way out of his league to marry him, though, which is a total win.

Now, Dad to two little princesses and “Daddy” to a Queen, Jagger is thrilled to be back at the keyboard.

When not writing or reading steamy romance books, he can be found woodworking, enjoying good whiskey, and grilling outside—rain or shine.


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