THE Right GUY Release

Title: The Right Guy
Series: My Guy #4
Author: Liz Lovelock
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 30, 2020


Years ago I left, I had no choice. Only to return, and the first hard chest I run into belongs to my childhood crush, Jase. He’s the popular football captain, full of charm and charisma. I, however, am not the same girl I was.
I’m damaged.
I’m broken.

Never did I think I’d be back in the place of lost memories of my past. When my father died all his secrets and lies went with him. Now back with my mom and a new family I knew nothing about, attempting to navigate my way down memory lane.

Jase was my best friend. He made promises only to break them. No matter how angry I am at him, I can’t help those old feelings that bubble to the surface. He’s no longer the little boy I remember, but a man—one who still causes my stomach to flip.

Can I forgive him for forgetting me?

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Author Bio

Liz Lovelock is from bright sunny Queensland in Australia. She is the mother of three little monsters, a wife to an amazing husband and very much a lover of everything books and reading. Liz has always loved books and, from a very young age she began reading comic books and then in high school her passion grew. She was given Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden for an assignment but, when that was done she continued to discover new books to fall in love with.

Liz always has a book she is currently enjoying and, a notebook beside her bed for in her hand bag for when inspiration hits at those crazy times. She is a stationary addict and will buy more notebooks and pens then what she needs. Her one click finger likes to go crazy as well.

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