Author: ML Nystrom
Title: The Price of Atonement
Series: The Dutchmen MC, #4
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: November 4, 2022
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design

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Everyone has a breaking point—even me. Meet a darker breed of bikers in bestselling author ML Nystrom’s gritty The Dutchmen MC series.

Abandoned by his club, Boots is trying to find a new place and new purpose in his life.  His past plagues him with darkness, and if he faces it, there’s no turning back to the light. The brightest spot in his black universe is another man’s woman, Mama J.

Janice is by herself and struggling to make ends meet for herself and her children. Day after day, night after night, her life revolves around her identity as a mother and seldom as a woman. Then one day she meets Boots.

Mama J is discovering what it means to be Janice again, and Boots is desperately seeking to pay for his former sins. Is the price of atonement too high?

 Available now!


The Price of Redemption
(book 1)

The Price of Forgiveness
(book 2)

The Price of Peace
(book 3)

I've had stories in my head since I was a child.  All sorts of stories of fantasy, romance, mystery and anything else that captured my interest.  I'm a voracious reader, and have spent many hours in my life devouring books, therefore it's only fitting I should write a few myself!  

I've spent most of my life as a performing musician and band instrument repair technician, but that doesn't mean I'm pigeon-holed into one mold.  I've been a university professor, belly dancer, craftsperson, soap maker, singer, rock band artist, jewelry maker, lifeguard, swim coach, and whatever else I feel like exploring.  As one of my students said to me once, "Life's too short to ignore the opportunities."   I have no intention of ever stopping so welcome to my story world.  I hope you enjoy it!

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