
Closer Banner 1 sale Synopsis Closer-GIF The terrorists want her alive. The CIA wants her dead, and Michael just wants to love her. ​Emma, an ingenious female engineer, finds a protector in an unlikely source. Michael is a warrior, a Green Beret, fresh out of the military. He suffers from PTSD and recurrent nightmares of his five tours in Afghanistan. Something in him fundamentally changes when he meets Emma. Emma has top-secret clearance for her work on a governmental prototype to help fight the war on terror. She has spent her entire life pursuing her career and developing her brain child labeled Project Hummingbird. She lives in her intellectually driven mind...that is, until Michael awakens something buried deep inside her: something she didn't even know existed. Michael needs to prove to Emma that he is not who she thinks he is. He must work to win her trust and her heart. Will he be able to persuade her to trust him? Will he be able to save her from the dangers that await her? Will he win her heart? goodreads add

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Michael fucking quote 2 Review  

This book was excited and there was never a dull moment. When you have the information to help our country what would you do? Well for Emma her goal is to finish her project, but when the bad people come after you what can you do? Well you definitely don't realize the man who takes you thinks you are the terrorist and you think he's sexy as hell and want in his pants. But when the truth comes out and Emma's life is becoming harder to keep safe there is only one thing Micheal can do. Call in his team to help save her. But can they save her if she not only keeps getting taken but his love is so strong that he might not get to her in time. This book was so well written I couldn't put it down and I loved how it always kept my interest at all times. Because of this book I like the find ones now that have a little suspense along with the love in it. 

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About   sarah greyson Sarah lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, two children, and four spoiled animals. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Communications with a concentration in Professional Writing and her Master's Degree in Education. When she is not writing or spending time with her family, she loves reading sizzling romantic suspense novels that make her blush. She loves a glass of pinot grigio, back-yard barbecues with friends and family, and helping her kids with their homework (in that order). Sarah's favorite genres are contemporary romantic suspense and erotic suspense; the types of novels she crafts. While the concepts are familiar and comfortable, she brings her own unique story and personality to everything she writes. She loves the feeling of crafting a spicy, action-packed novel. Writing is her passion. She wants to leave her readers breathless after experiencing the intense ride that is her novel.
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