Fading Away Cover

***** COVER REVEAL *****

Fading Away (Anchored Hearts Vol. 2.5)

Author: J.M. Witt

Release Date: September 12, 2014

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Can our love heal the wounds that consume us? 
Or will the past leave your soul Fading Away?

Cal is fighting for his life and for his love. Never wanting to settle down until he found her, his baby doll. Her secrets left him bleeding on the floor and comatose. He’ll fight for her, no matter the cost. But what if that means committing murder? 

Jane almost lost everything she never knew she needed. Some of her secrets revealed, but not all. Nightmares consume her, but so does her love for Cal. Will she be able to let go of the past and move forward? 

Will murder charges ruin their chance at happily ever after?
Or will they get the one thing they both want? 
Each other…forever.

About the Author:

I’m a stay-at-home mom with four young children and one extremely supportive husband. We’ve been married for nine years and reside in Metro Detroit, Michigan.

I've dreamed of writing romance novels since I was little. After having baby #4, who may or may not have been fathered by Christian Grey, I decided it was time to pursue my dreams. 

When I'm not volunteering at the schools of my children, running to various appointments, enjoying time with my friends and my book club, dating my husband, or avoiding cleaning my house, I'm writing!

I love music and believe that books and music can't exist without the other. My goal is for you to read more than a good book, but for you to have an experience!

Where to Find Her:

Links to J.M. Witt's Other Works:

Letting Go

Hiding Away 

Letting Go of You 


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