The Lies That Bind Us Release



The Lies that Bind Us, Woods Grove Series, Book 1,  by H. P. Davenport is LIVE!

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My life was perfect: the school of my dreams with the boy of my dreams, playing the sport of my dreams.

Until that boy destroyed our future – now I’m numb, each day passing in a colorless void.

When joy comes from the last place I could have imagined, I pick up the pieces and put together a new life.

Now that boy is back, and the man he’s become wants to right the past and discover a new beginning.

It’s up to me to decide if we can overcome the lies that bind us.



Paralegal by day, romance genius by night! When she's not tending to her furry children and her handsome husband, H.P. DAVENPORT is seamlessly carving beautiful stories from her mind in her comfy PJs in New Jersey.

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