Mended Mirrors Release


Title: Mended Mirrors
The Mirror Series
Justin and Madison Duet #2
Author: Norma Marie
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 24, 2022


I'm not the man I used to be.
But if there's one woman that can bring me back to my old self, it's her.

The last time I saw her was three years ago. We fell hard and I thought she was my forever, but she left without a word, hardening my heart to anything resembling love.

I never expected to see her again… and then she walks back into my life looking even more beautiful than ever. Tempers flare as anger and resentment tear through us, both of us saying things we don’t mean as we work through our mangled past.

I want to hate her, but the more time I spend around her, the more I want what we used to have. As the sparks around us flame higher with each moment we’re together, I realize that I can’t ignore the way she makes me feel.

Can the past be mended so that we can move into our future, or will I hold it all against her and be the one to walk away this time?

*Mended Mirrors is part two of the Justin and Madison duet. Shattered Mirrors must be read prior to reading Mended Mirrors.

**Trigger warnings include miscarriage (happens off page but is referenced), grief from loss due to suicide, and strong sexual content.



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Norma Marie is a contemporary romance author who believes in love that heals. With hero’s full of devotion and heroines who find their worth after trauma, her stories will encompass you in swoon worthy moments that steal your breath away.

Residing in Clarksville, TN with her small zoo, Norma Marie can often be found in her craft room playing in glitter and inks or writing stories full of hope and passion. She's a lover of romance and when she isn’t covered in glitter or sitting behind her desk bringing her stories to life, she’s often sitting on her deck with her kindle and a glass of wine.


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