Title: Twisted Origin
Series: Infinite Destiny #1
Author: Krystyna Allyn
Genre: Paranormal Fantasy
Cover Design: Jenn Brignola 
Bibliophile Productions
Release Date: July 15, 2022


Enter a supernatural world where curses are real, and fated mates aren’t always an absolute.


I’m a survivor.
Between foster care, handsy step-siblings, and a mountain of toxic ex-boyfriends, I have to be.
After barely escaping my last loser, I was attacked in a way I didn’t know possible.
I should’ve died.
Fate has other plans.
Now, I’m forced into a life surrounded by things that go bump in the night, where fairy tales and mythical creatures are real. My mere existence has attracted an entire supernatural world.
Both good and bad want to own me, but the only person I belong to is him.


If someone told me years ago I was destined to lose my sanity because of an unbreakable curse, I would’ve laughed in their face. I was human, and my life wasn’t complicated.
An animal attack changed that. It changed everything.
The beast killed my family and transformed me into this thing. I spend my time protecting mankind from the worst of us--the feral wolf shifters who’ve succumbed to madness.
Still, he got to her, and I was too late.
Or so I believed.
I was given a second chance, and this time, failure isn’t an option. I’ll keep Leena safe and protected the one way I know how. By making her mine.




Krystyna lives in somewhere USA with her amazingly awesome husband. Though she works full time, blogs, and reads like a maniac, she still manages to find the time to write all her crazy stories.

Her hobbies include baking, skydiving, karaoke, and general mischief. The list of her favorite authors is endless, so rather than singling out anyone in particular, she'll just mention her number one go-to cookie is oatmeal raisin.


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