Black Hearts

Title: Black Hearts ( The Leather Valentine Collection)
Release Date: February 10, 2015
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Cover Designer: Louisa from LM Creations
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This Valentine's day, take a ride with the 
Leather Valentine Collection. 

Eight of your favorite Best Selling MC authors come together to give you a Leather clad Valentines day you won't forget. 
Bikes, clubs and bad ass brothers claiming the hearts and bodies of the women in their misfit lives.
What sinfully sexy way will your favorite MC couple spend Valentine's Day?

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Black Hearts (The Leather Valentine Collection) 
brought to you by:

AC Bextor
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J.C. Emery
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M.N. Forgy
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Instagram: author_ryan_michele

Emily Minton
USA Today Best Selling Author, Emily Minton is a Kentucky native. She claims she bleeds blue--Wildcat Blue! Emily loves to read, and this love of the written word led to her writing career.
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River Savage

Crystal Spears
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