Title: Interlude
Series: Blue Phoenix #1
Author: Luci Hart
Genre: Contemporary Rock Star Romance
Release Date: April 20, 2022


A broken-hearted girl running from her past. A rockstar escaping the pressures of fame. In an English seaside town, cars and lives collide.

Plans for my summer break:
1. Leave cheating boyfriend
2. Rent holiday cottage in quiet English seaside town
3. Eat copious amounts of comfort food and rescue wine from bottles
4. Forget about the male species

Not in my plans:
1. A hot but arrogant tattooed guy rear-ending my car.
2. The same disarmingly attractive man appearing in my cottage and insisting he rented the place.
3. This alleged rockstar waving my underwear at me, claiming I’m a groupie who left them on his bed.
4. Dylan Morgan sending my heart and life into a tailspin.

I’ve lived and breathed life as Blue Phoenix lead singer for eight years, and now I’m suffocating. I need to walk away from the band before I lose myself completely, and I don’t give a crap about the chaos and speculation I leave behind. The Cornish seaside town Broadbeach is a world away from LA and London but holds happy memories from holidays as a kid—somewhere I can return and recreate that past.
Sky also ran from life and we've both found ourselves in the place of our childhood memories, so we decide to escape together. This smart-mouthed, sexy girl doesn’t recognise the Blue Phoenix lead singer at all and treats me like a regular guy. She’s my opportunity to prove I’m more than the bad boy rock and roll cliché I’ve become.

With Sky, I’m free and alive for the first time in years, and together we heat up the dreary English summer.

I can finally breathe. Become the guy I forgot existed. But when our summer romance ends, will Sky agree to share her life with the real Dylan Morgan?

I want Sky. No. I need Sky. She can run from the fantasy world we’ve created by the beach, but the girl I've fallen in love with doesn’t get to walk out of my life. I'll fight until she's mine.

Interlude is the first book in the Blue Phoenix rock star romance series. Perfect for fans of captivating steamy romance, hot and brooding British rock stars, and strong, sassy heroines.

Interlude was previously published as Summer Sky by Lisa Swallow in 2014. This new edition only has minor changes.



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Luci Hart writes captivating steamy romance, hot and brooding heroes, and strong, sassy heroines. Luci is also the contemporary romance pen name for USA Today bestselling author LJ Swallow.



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