Perfect SONG Release


Perfect Song, Mason Creek Book Two, by Lauren Runow is LIVE!

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I came back to Mason Creek when my life was turned upside down, both literally and figuratively. Scared and alone, I packed my belongings and left New York where I’ve made a career as a writer for a national publication to stay with my parents in the town so different than the big apple they might as well be on different planets.

Getting to see my friends was a big plus, but meeting someone new never crossed my mind until a ruggedly handsome man in jeans and a worn baseball cap came over to say hello. Not knowing someone in this small town is like not knowing how to breathe. The slightly older man caught my eye, just as much as I caught his. A witty and roguish personality kept me on my toes, even if falling for someone new is the last thing I need. 

Neither of us wants a relationship, yet we keep finding each other in this small town. Rumors fly, hearts connect, and there’s more at stake than either of us are willing to share. 

This man has secrets everyone wants to know, but when more than he’s willing to share is revealed I hope I’m strong enough to help him. I may have come back to town to save myself, but saving him might be the real reason I’m here.

12 Books by 12 Bestselling Authors, all tied together by one fictional small town.

Welcome to Mason Creek, Montana.

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